Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day- On the road...AGAIN

Back in NY for one last fling. Spent about 2 1/2 hrs. on the road yesterday driving from NJ to Queens and that was like the universe giving a slow-mo send off.  Auntie em and Uncle Tommy came by Aunt Alice's house for lunch and a car wash.  Addison had a ton of fun helping them wash their car and playing ball with them she ran right past nap time and took a quick snooze in the car which created a ticking time-bomb later in the evening. 

Went to Aunt Mary-Beth's house last night for dinner and cake to celebrate Mother's Day.  There was a surreal moment when mommy and Aunt Mary-Beth were sitting at the table with our tea chatting and the kids were in the next room playing when I heard Devereux (Addie's 7 year old cousin) correcting Addison for doing something and I yelled in to them "What's going on in there?". I was instantly transported back in time when I was on the receiving end of that question, very strange to be on this other side now.

Tonight Papa is picking us up for dinner and tomorrow we head out to our new home!  Addison is so excited every day for this new adventure, she doesn't even know what California is all about but she wouldn't let you know that.  I only hope this level of excitement doesn't end in a huge let down in her eyes.  I dread her arriving in the new house only to look around and give me the "Is this what all the hype was about?" look. She'll have her uncles and aunts around her that she hasn't really gotten to know just yet and they are all so excited to be with her that she has no idea what awesome new playmates and sitters she has waiting for her arrival.

Off I go to finish packing all of our stuff in order to get it under the max 50 lb. limit...I'm not paying one penny extra to check these bags!

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