Friday, May 11, 2012

"Bad Mommy" moment of the day

Just back from dinner with Addie, grandma and Aunt Alice.  Auntie Em couldn't join us tonight because she started getting a sore throat and didn't want to spread whatever she may have. While we appreciate her thoughtfulness, we are still sad we didn't get to say goodbye. We had a nice dinner at a comfy local spot and while we were waiting for our food to arrive mommy was telling a story and thinking Addison was paying no mind to what was going on, I dropped an F-Bomb to which my angel of a daughter chose to repeat at that very moment where everyone gets super quiet by yelling "FUCKING"! Yup, mommy almost died and I had 3 drinks at dinner!

                              My Dinner Companions

After posting this info on my Facebook page it took only minutes before I had a ton of comments and likes.  This made me question why people liked this...were they liking it because it wasn't their kid that yelled an obscenity at a restaurant?  Did they like it because they secretly thought I was a bad parent and this was proof or did they simply like it because it made them laugh?  Curious.

On a lighter note, my eye feels totally normal thanks to the Prednisone but oh my stomach! The optician I had to see here in NJ after leaving the ER told me the diagnosis is most likely "Orbital Pseudo tumor" and then when I get to Cali and obtain a new doctor he needs to speak to said doctor.  There is no known reason for what happened to my eye last week but they want to rule out any autoimmune disease and sarcoidosis.  I had to look up a lot about all of this online and basically no one know what caused it and it may or may not come back...whatever it was- fantastic!

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