Sunday, July 1, 2012

We've made it!

After quite a few days and an insane amount of unpacking, moving, etc. that goes along with moving I have finally found a few moments to enter a quick update.  The house was, initially, everything we wanted in a starter home.  As time has ticked by we've noticed a few things with the home (and homeowner) that leaves a bit to be desired.  After a moment of consideration, mom and I have decided that we will definitely not be staying on after the year's lease is up.

Addison could not possibly be happier here.

Although it's only been a little over a month that we've been here quite a bit has happened. We've had visitors (Grandpa and Uncle Matt), been to Disneyland already and have gotten a small blow up pool for the backyard.

Still looking for work and STILL trying to potty train!

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