Friday, May 11, 2012

"Treasured" Moments

The weather has finally broken here in NJ and we NEEDED to get out of the house.  After a nice nap and a pathetic lunch mommy had a good idea- go outside for a treasure hunt!  We emptied her Vera Bradley (incredibly old hand-me-down from Grandma) and put on our shades and headed out.  We had a mental list of what we were hunting for- a good leaf, pretty flower, a stick and a good rock.  There were a few that we thought may be good but upon closer inspection we discovered they were not that good and had to be put back.  We were half way through our trek when mommy discovered a caterpillar hanging down from a tree and it gave me the opportunity to show Addison about caterpillars again.  Although she recalled how I used a stick last time we spotted one, I told her he would prefer a leaf...which she excitedly grabbed from our treasure bag and shared with him!

We came home and went online to view pictures of caterpillars and stages of their metamorphosis into butterflies and Addie just ate up all the new knowledge. I've decided to order a grow at home butterfly kit so she can see it first hand...Grandma will INSIST on that staying outside!

Today was day 1 of trying to use Pull-Ups during the day since size 7 diapers have only been spotted at BJ's and there are no BJ's around here. I resorted to ordering them online and having them sent directly to the new house in Cali. We did pretty well with the Pull-Ups and she seemed pretty excited to have some "big girl underwear" on so we'll see how that goes- 1 step in the potty trained direction.  We're down to a handful of actual diapers so I'm using them for nap time and bedtime since they should have better coverage with her lying horizontally.  The website I used advertised a code for Pampers with a purchase over $50 and I did not get that code but did take a few screen shots to email off to customer service.  They told me technically the promotion ended April 30th (hello, it's May 11th!) "but a deal is a deal" and hit me up with a 500 point code! WOOHOO!!!  Now I have enough to redeem to get something that would normally cost me $15-$20 and I've only been at this for 2 years!  I remember my mom telling me about the cool stuff she got with her codes when my brothers and I were growing up...times have changed!  By the time I have the points off the damned packaging my daughter has outgrown whatever crappy item they're trying to pawn off on me. Oh well, at least it's free.

Tomorrow we get the rental car and I can finalize the packing up prior to leaving for QV on Sunday.  I also noticed tonight that there are 2 fee seats I can assign for 3 people on the American Airlines website for our flight so I may be fighting with them tomorrow.

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