Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Things I did to push potty training along

With the beautiful weather and the knowledge that Addison will most likely outgrow diapers physically before she's mentally set for the potty I made the executive decision to push things along.  I went to the dollar store and bought a bunch of things she could use to make art projects with and little toys.  I put them in a bin and told her each time she went pee-pee on the potty she got to pick a toy out of the "Potty Box".  She would also receive some change for her banks that she could use to buy anything she wanted and I listed a few things she may want to purchase with her earnings. And for going poop on the potty I bought a few DVDs and that's in a separate bin.  We went to the store and she got to pick 1 DVD to buy and we put that into the "Poop Bin"

After a few days with no luck Addison put her Dollie on the potty on her own.  This happened right before nap time so I decided to roll with it...

 Dollie sitting upon her throne

When Addison woke up from her nap I asked her if she thought Dollie went potty while she was in sleeping.  She told me "Nooooo" and I told her to go check.  I wish I had my video running to capture the look of absolute amazement on her face when she discovered that Dollie actually did go potty!

Thanks to a bit of water and a few creatively placed raisins this is what she saw...

Never underestimate the creativity of desperate mommy!

After 2-3 days of no progress we stepped things up a bit using a pool in the backyard.  After swimming for a bit, we got out and had a snack and a drink while sitting on the potty.

Nothing doing so we went back in to the pool for a bit.  After a short time, we went for round 2 on the potty.  Nothing yet so I pulled up her bathing suit and turned my back for 1 minute only to turn back and see that she's peeing all over herself!  I scooped her up and put her on the potty, bathing suit and all....success (sort of)!!!

She was so proud of herself for going into the potty, I didn't have the heart to explain that it wasn't really what we were hoping for since she still had her bathing suit on.

She inspected her accomplishment and got to flush it down the big potty.  She got her change and toy as promised and we were off and rolling!

Since things were going quite well for a few days I thought we had this potty thing down pat!  Silly mommy!!!  We've had a few incidents were we've gotten pee-pee on the carpet and a few pull-ups wet the instant they were put on! Most of the time she's rocking a t-shirt and nothing else.  Addie is still trying to master the are of pulling up and down of her "big girl underwear" so I let her roam around freely so she can just run and sit as needed.

I am running out of prizes in the "Potty Box" and we've only earned 1 poop DVD. Some friends suggested stepping down the prizes (since I'm not made of money) and institute a sticker chart.  Each time she goes pee-pee on the potty she can put a sticker on the chart, after 5 stickers she can pick a toy. When she hits 20 stickers she can pick a toy from the store.  She's already used the potty twice today on her own without asking for a toy so I may not even need the sticker chart...rest assured I am going to create it tonight just in case!

So that is how I was able to give a big push for using the potty.  I know she wouldn't use the potty if she wasn't ready and since she will not fit into diapers soon (can a 2 1/2 year old wear Depends?) I felt it was the perfect time to get down to business.

And once all of these struggles are a thing of the past, Addison gets to take swimming lessons!  When I looked into signing her up at the local pool I saw that they insist on kids being potty trained before you can sign them up.  Since Addie loves the pool I have used this as a huge end-goal!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

We've made it!

After quite a few days and an insane amount of unpacking, moving, etc. that goes along with moving I have finally found a few moments to enter a quick update.  The house was, initially, everything we wanted in a starter home.  As time has ticked by we've noticed a few things with the home (and homeowner) that leaves a bit to be desired.  After a moment of consideration, mom and I have decided that we will definitely not be staying on after the year's lease is up.

Addison could not possibly be happier here.

Although it's only been a little over a month that we've been here quite a bit has happened. We've had visitors (Grandpa and Uncle Matt), been to Disneyland already and have gotten a small blow up pool for the backyard.

Still looking for work and STILL trying to potty train!